BOA (limited run) - Heaviest Rope
BOA (limited run) - Heaviest Rope
Grapple with BOA - our thickest & heaviest rope by far.
Weighing in a 1.25kg (DOUBLE Couer De Lion) and 1inch/24mm thick BOA is a serious dance partner with high demands of both strength and balance.
In order to be economical I'm only taking orders for this rope for one month (until October 1st) at which point I will stop taking orders and make and ship whatever has been bought by you guys.
Strength - When swinging any object the 'centrifugal force' makes the weight of it appear far greater then it is stationary - so a 1.25kg rope feels a LOT heavier then 1.25kg - and the faster you swing it the more weight/resistance you experience. However in order to swing it faster you have to fight the weight plus the air resistance.
This requires/develops great grip, shoulder and core strength as well as grounding through the legs and feet in order to do gracefully.
Balance - Remaining balanced whilst swinging a heavy rope back and forth either side of your body is an incredibly challenging task. It requires precision weight shifting in order to counter the weight of the rope - like swinging a dance partner around you have to lean against the weight of the partner for you both to remain balanced.
This becomes a game for the body as the rope becomes an extension of you like a squirrels tail is to the squirrel.
High Intensity Training - Ramp up the pace or countdown the tabata clock and turn rope flow into a high intensity workout easier and in a shorter time with higher heart rate demands using our heaviest Rope yet.
XL Rope - If you're taller then 6ft I'll cut the ropes longer. Comes with black/yellow caps on the end to discern the difference.
*Note: Orders outside of the UK may incur a customs charge upon delivery*